PMO team helps the homeless, makes sandwiches for children and teens

MADISON, Wis.—February 20, 2020—The Project Management Office team in Madison kicked off 2020 with a continued focus on community service and team building by participating in two events.

For the last two weeks of January, the PMO collected personal care products for The Beacon homeless day resource center. After noticing the consistent requests for items such as toothpaste, shampoo, and soap listed in the United Way's annual giving guide, Laura Strehlow coordinated the donation drive for The Beacon.

"Homelessness is a problem for thousands of people in Wisconsin," Laura says. "On any given day last January, more than 4,500 people in our state were estimated to be homeless. It's a problem that impacts families as well as individuals, young and old alike. All have one thing in common; they want help with daily basic needs that many of us take for granted. By donating items that people use daily, we are assisting The Beacon to help more than 225 men, women, and children who use the center each day. My personal contribution may have been small, but when I see it added to the donations of others, it's far more impactful."

On Feb. 14, five PMO volunteers made several hundred sandwiches that will be distributed to children and teens within their local neighborhoods when school lunch is not available.

"I really enjoy volunteering my time Friday mornings at River Food Pantry when I get to be part of an assembly line of sandwich-making for the Madison Unites to Nourish Children at Home (Munch) program," says Lisa. "It's rewarding to see the hundreds of sandwiches that will be packaged with fresh fruit and delivered over the weekend to children and teens in local neighborhoods."